Last updated on June 15th, 2022 at 07:45 am
Playing the piano sure is fun, and so is learning to play it, as well.
However, do you really need to go to a teacher, or even attend a music school?
The great thing of living in a time where the internet exists, is that you can now learn how to learn the piano online; through online courses, apps, software, etc.
And in many cases, you will even interact with a teacher, however at a much lower price than taking an in-person class.
So, without further ado, here are the top websites that teach you how to play the piano online.
The best Websites for Online Piano Lessons are:
Website | Price | Level | Mobile App | Free Trial |
Piano for All | $39 | Beginner | No | No |
Pianu | $14 to $275 | Beginner | No | No |
Rocket Piano | $39.95 | Beginner | No | No |
Skoove | $9.99 up to $19.99 | Beginner | Yes (iOS) | Yes |
Flowkey | Free to $329.99 | Beginner / Intermediate | Yes | No |
Learning Piano in 30 Days | $1 up to $27/mo. | Beginner | No | “Yes”, costs $1 |
Artistworks | $105 to $279 | All Levels | No | No |
Udemy | $10 to $30 | All Levels | Yes | No |
Playground Sessions | 17.99 up to $289.99 | All Levels | Yes | No |
PianoforAll ($39)

You may have already heard about PianoForAll, especially if you were looking for online piano lessons at any point.
With over 250.000 students worldwide so far, PianoForAll is probably the best-known website for online piano lessons.
Why is that?
Well, one of the most important factors to take into consideration when trying to learn a new instrument is ease of use, and I think that PianoForAll nailed it in this department.
Once you purchase it, you’ll have to download the e-books;
The interesting thing is that these aren’t just e-books, since apart from having the music lesson in writing, you also have the option to reproduce a video and an audio file for each lesson, which are embedded in the e-book.
You will be able to see the teacher’s hands on an actual keyboard on the bottom of the video, and an additional animated keyboard above that shows you exactly what keys are being played.
A total of 10 e-books are included (nine plus a bonus book about Mindfulness), and also 200 video lessons, as well as 500 audio tunes and exercises.
This program covers everything from Rhythm, Blues & Rock n Roll, Chords, Jazz, and more, as well as music notation, etc.
Lastly, it works on any device; be it PC, iPad, iPhone, or any Android device!
Plus, you don’t need an active internet connection to watch the videos and listen to the audio files.
PianoForAll is perfect for beginners and intermediate piano players.
Find out more about Piano for All here.
Pianu ($14 to $275)

Pianu is an online service that teaches you how to play the piano and it can be used directly through the browser both on your PC, Phone or Tablet.
Now, what’s interesting about Pianu is that you can connect your MIDI keyboard to your PC and it will identify the notes you are playing.
Note: You can use your PC’s keyboard, or even a Tablet or phone, but if you really want to learn how to play the piano, you should at least use a 61-key Piano, or even a 25-key one, since it’s much more realistic than playing on your PC’s keyboard.
The software itself works in a similar way to Guitar Hero or Synthesia, where you can see a stream of notes that are coming up and you need to press the keys that will play those notes until the next ones come up, and so on.
It’s a fun and engaging way to learn and you feel as if you were playing a game, while learning a real skill in the process.
Featuring dozens of lessons on chords, exercises for your right and left hands, Arpeggios, scales, and more, as well as hundreds of songs that you can play along, Pianu can certainly teach you the basics of playing the piano very quickly.
Lastly, Pianu is definitely aimed at beginners and I don’t think that an intermediate or advanced player would benefit that greatly from it.
Find out more about Pianu Here.
This post is part of a big list I compiled about the best websites to learn musical instruments, and you can find that article here.
Rocket Piano ($39.95)

Rocket Piano is a comprehensive piano learning course with over 90.000 total users that includes e-books with step-by-step instructions, as well as video lessons and audio files.
It teaches you how to place your hands on the keyboard, since hand posture is extremely important, how to read music, etc., as well as video lessons where you will see exactly how you need to play.
There are a couple tunes included, so you can practice playing, and audio files for those tunes are also included, so you can hear how they sound.
In total, Rocket Piano features 281 step-by-step lessons, 57 videos, the Jazz-, Gospel-, Spiritual and Hymns books, and more!
Now, Rocket Piano focuses a lot more on the traditional way of learning to play the piano, like sight reading, learning scales, etc.
Some other programs on this list teach how to learn to play the piano by ear, like Playground Sessions or Flowkey, which is a method that I personally prefer.
However, if you want a more traditional style of teaching, then Rocket Piano might be for you.
Find out more about Rocket Piano here.
Skoove ($9.99 up to $19.99)

With over one million people who have already used this online piano learning platform, Skoove is definitely worth considering, mainly because it has 25 FREE piano lessons that you can try before even considering paying for the subscription.
Note: You don’t need to add a credit card if you’re trying out the free lessons, just hit “Back” when they ask you for one and you should be able to start the free trial.
The way you will learn to play the piano with Skoove is by following a moving score that shows you which notes to play and when.
Also, under the moving score you will see the hands of your teacher actually playing the song and the keys that are being played light up, making it very easy to follow.
You can play your favorite music alongside a full band and the software will give you feedback on where you need to improve.
Once you upgrade to the premium plan, you will have access to over 400 lessons, instead of just 25, as well as one-on-one support from your instructors, special courses, and more.
Skoove can be used directly in your browser, iPhone or iPad, sadly not on Android, at least for now.
Additionally, all MIDI/USB Keyboards are supported, as are acoustic pianos as long as you activate the microphone on your device, or you could even start practicing with your PC’s keyboard.
Lastly, as far as pricing goes, one month is $19.99.
However, if you pay for three months or a year in advance, you can get up to a 50% discount.
Find out more about Skoove here.
Flowkey (Free to $329.99)

Flowkey is very similar to Skoove in the sense that you will learn to play the piano by following a moving score that shows you which notes to play and when.
You will also be able to see the teacher’s hands playing on an actual piano and the keys that he’s playing will light up, making it easy to follow.
You can sign up for free and follow a couple of the basic lessons for free, as well as play along some of the free songs they have available, which aren’t many…
However, if you truly want to unlock all the lessons, which range from Introduction to Playing the piano all the way to reading music and playing scales, as well as getting access to all the songs the have to offer, you will need to pay $20/mo. for a subscription.
You can use any MIDI/USB keyboard to play and learn, as well as any acoustic piano, since you can allow Flowkey to access your device’s microphone and pick up the notes.
I wasn’t able to find a way to configure my PC keyboard to use it to practice, which you can do on most other services.
However, this really isn’t a big deal since practicing on a PC keyboard doesn’t really translate to the piano that well anyway.
If you don’t have a keyboard, getting at least one with 25 keys, like the Akai MPK Mini, should set you off on the right track.
I would recommend Flowkey mostly to anyone who wants to learn while playing actual songs, and not so much by doing exercises and learning theory.
You will still do those things, but not AS much.
Find out more about Flowkey Here.
Learn Piano in 30 Days ($1 up to $27/mo.)

Featuring over 100 video lessons, 500+ song tutorials, 1000+ music sheets, and all of this genre specific, which means that you get to choose what genre you want to learn, this site offers overall great content.
The lessons are mostly straight to the point; I say mostly because the first lessons aren’t as good as the ones that come later.
The video quality of the first lessons also isn’t as good, but the video quality, and the overall quality of the lessons gets better as you go.
If you want to learn some of the most popular and current songs out there, then Learning Piano in 30 Days will definitely be useful to you.

They feature hundreds of step-by-step video guides on some of the most popular songs from very famous artists, such as Taylor Swift, Drake, Bruno Mars, The Beatles, and more.
As far as pricing goes, the monthly subscription costs $27.
However, you can sign up for a “free” trial, which actually costs $1, and get full access for 14 days.

Additionally, the site features some additional online tools, such as a virtual piano, and more, as well as a forum, where you’ll be able to interact with other students and ask questions.
Find out more about Learning Piano in 30 Days here.
Artistworks ($105 to $279)

Artistworks is a huge site that offers courses on a variety of instruments, such as piano, banjo, mandolin, guitar, and more.
As far as the piano courses go, you can learn classical, Jazz and popular piano.
What sets ArtistWorks apart from the other sites on this list is that you can submit videos to be reviewed by the teachers, who will give you specific feedback on where you need to improve.
This is a fantastic way to actually create a teacher-to-student relationship, which is something that other programs don’t have.
Not only that, but you can see the reviews that teachers give other students and also learn from those!
As far as pricing goes, ArtistWorks is quite a bit more expensive than the other websites I listed, and their plans range from $105 every three months, to $279 per year.
However, since it’s so personalized and you actually get to interact with your teacher a lot, it ends up being very similar to physically attending a class, but way more affordable.
Additionally, the three piano courses available on their site are tailored towards both the absolute beginners as well as intermediate and advanced players, which means that no matter what level you’re at, you’ll probably be able to take advantage of these programs.
Now, once you purchase a course you won’t get access to all other courses or instructors, which I don’t really like that much.
This means that for every course you want to enroll in, you’ll have to purchase it individually.
Find out more about Artistworks here.
Udemy ($10 to $30 aprox)

Udemy is a widely known website that offers online courses on almost every topic you could ever think of, and online piano lessons are certainly available as well.
It’s different from the previous websites I listed because you can only purchase individual courses instead of whole programs or paying for a monthly subscription.
Udemy offers lots of different courses made by different companies and individuals which means that you can really specialize in one music genre, if you so desire.
A quick search for jazz piano yields over two thousand results…
Basically, the alternatives are endless.
Now, luckily all the courses are rated by the users, and this allows you to quickly see which of those courses are actually worth it or not.
Here are some of the best online piano lessons available at Udemy:
- The Ultimate Piano Chords Course
- Learn 100 Piano Chords in a Day
- Ultimate Beginner and Intermediate Jazz Piano Course
I also mention Udemy on another post I wrote a while back about the best online music production courses, and you should definitely check it out since it will probably add a lot of value.
Playground Sessions ($17.99 up to $289.99)

Playground Sessions was co-produced by Quincy Jones and is one of the best piano learning apps currently available.
If you want to learn to play rock, pop, classical, jazz, film scores, and more, it’s got you covered.
The one thing that makes Playground Sessions stand out from other similar services is that you can play along to almost any song you’d like, even the hugely popular ones, and this makes the whole learning experience that much better.
You will learn how to read a music sheet, about music theory, and more as well.
Additionally, it works in a similar way as most of the websites on this list do, since you can connect your keyboard to your PC or iPad and it will detect the notes that you played while following a music sheet, and it will tell you how accurate you played, and more.
Playground Sessions features three difficulty levels, and most people, be it beginners, intermediates, or advanced, can probably benefit from it!

I think that Playground Sessions is an incredible piano learning software, plus it’s pretty affordable as well; $18/mo., or $10/mo., if billed annually.
You can also purchase the Lifetime membership for $289.99, which I would only recommend if you’re absolutely certain that you’ll be playing the piano for many years to come.
And lastly, if you have another friend or family member who wants to learn to play the piano as well, they offer huge discounts if you get two or more memberships at the same time.
Find out more about Playground Sessions here.
Why Choose Online Piano lessons over regular piano lessons?
Well, how much time do you have between work, taking care of your kids , if you have any that is, and balancing everything else in your life, to be able to attend piano lessons at either a music school or with a private teacher?
If you’re lucky to have free time on your hands, then absolutely… Go and attend some in-person lessons.
However, this isn’t the case for most people today.
And this is where online lessons can actually be more effective, since not having to waste time travelling in order to get to attend the lessons, means that you will have much more time on your hands that you can invest in playing the instrument and move forward faster.
Not only that, but with some of the sites I listed on this post, you will also be able to interact with the instructors on some one-on-one sessions, which means that you will still get personalized feedback.
Another huge benefit of online lessons is that they are MUCH MORE affordable.
An entire month on Flowkey will cost less than a single traditional lesson.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m totally in favor of attending real in-person lessons, since no online course can give you as much personalized feedback as a real teacher will, but I have to admit that they are way more convenient.
And lastly, most of these sites offer free trials, so you can see if you actually like their teaching methods.
No matter what online piano teaching service you decide to go for, you definitely will learn how to play.
It all depends on what teaching style you like:
If you like learning by playing the songs you like, then Flowkey or Skoove will probably be your best bet.
If you like the traditional teaching style more, then Rocket Piano and PianoForAll will serve you well.
Still, no matter which one you choose, you WILL learn how to play the piano.
I hope this information was useful.
Have a wonderful day!
Another great place to learn piano is WKMT
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